Hi Arlo - hope you're doing alright. I didn't come in on Friday and Thursday I spent taking care of Sawyer out at Fox Point. Today was kind of a nice day. Sarah and I went to the market and then I wrote and baked and Sarah and I dyed eggs the Ukranian way with the little wax dohickey! Yep some Buddhist. ha!
Thanks Buddhist! I foud your excellent poem and tried to comment but it wouldn't let me. This one may not either. I do something wrong. I do a lot wrong. Stu and Hope were here tonight and I said the only religion that seems to make any sense was Buddhism because it isn't a religion.
It is said this disgusting requirement was initiated by ALEXANDER THE GREAT because he liked boys and wanted to continue to appear to be one. All older men who liked boys cottoned to the idea and so it spread; became a custom and eventually a worldwide reqirement. COME ALL YOU SHEEP AND FOLLOWERS, gaze upon my beautiful flowing beard until you have sated your desire for eye candy! Then rebel and rid yourself of the medieval torture instruments for the removal of hair! REBEL! REBEL! REBEL!
Hi Arlo - hope you're doing alright. I didn't come in on Friday and Thursday I spent taking care of Sawyer out at Fox Point. Today was kind of a nice day. Sarah and I went to the market and then I wrote and baked and Sarah and I dyed eggs the Ukranian way with the little wax dohickey! Yep some Buddhist.
Thanks Buddhist! I foud your excellent poem and tried to comment but it wouldn't let me. This one may not either. I do something wrong. I do a lot wrong. Stu and Hope were here tonight and I said the only religion that seems to make any sense was Buddhism because it isn't a religion.